Welcome to FACETS of Faith and our discussion on friendship. While our summer looks a bit different than many of us planned, I pray you are finding ways to connect with the friends you love.
When we first discussed this topic, I envisioned a piece about the fun adventures I’d take with one of my girlfriends. I thought it might be an amazing assignment involving a road trip, laughter and a spirit of adventure. Then Covid created this odd, social standard where we stay physically distant from each other.
So I’m going on a celebratory adventure of some of the Louise’s God has brought into my life and how they’ve impacted it. I’ll take a rain check on the road trip, because that has to happen!
One of the Louise’s in my life loves Jesus, worship, motorcycles, and coffee chats full of authentic conversation. We share that. She also loves chickens, alpacas and goats. Those we don’t share, but that’s okay. Real friendship doesn’t mean we have to be identical; it means we see and appreciate our differences too. Friendship rooted in the gift of vulnerability says, “You are safe. I can share with you.” She’s that kind of friend.
She is a treasure to me, and truly a gift God sent when I needed friendship. God hand-selected her for me, and if you knew her, you’d know how truly blessed I am. Like Thelma and Louise, our friendship involved a road trip.
Great friendships take courage
Maybe you needed to read this piece just to take away this nugget:
Be brave enough to extend an invitation to someone you don’t know. You never know if she may become one of your best friends.
You see, I had radically shifted my lifestyle: from sinner to saint (who still sometimes sins). My old friends were confused by my new behaviors. I remember feeling lonely. God knew my heart, even if I didn’t express it to Him at the time.
He prompted me to invite someone I didn’t know to spend an entire weekend together at a women’s conference. I had an extra ticket and I wasn’t sure who was supposed to attend with me. After prayer, God placed her name on my heart. And I’m glad He did. Because, you see, He knew we had a lot in common and we needed to be friends.
It felt incredibly brave to me at the time, especially since I’m a bit of an introvert.
“Hey, I don’t know you very well, but how about if we drive 5 hours to St. Louis, spend the whole weekend together in the same hotel room, attend this women’s conference, and see how it goes?”
God will have you do some crazy stuff, my friends. Crazy! And terrifying! But sometimes those adventures might turn out to be incredibly terrific. This one did!
God is faithful. And He sets the lonely in friendships that feel like family.
Find your friendships that feel like family
God sets the lonely in families,
he leads out the prisoners with singing
Psalm 68:6a NIV
Friends that feel like family are the perfect Louise to your Thelma. If you don’t have them, I pray God brings them into the fold of your life. If you do, I pray He grows them to be even more blessed.
While I thought I’d be writing a free-spirited piece about adventure (something my adrenaline seeking spirit loves), my heart is also lamenting right now. I wished one of my Louise’s well as she moved 1,024 miles away.
When we are following God, sometimes He takes us down different paths which spread us out (but not apart). We’re still friends, spiritually linked forever because this Louise happens to be someone I am spiritually connected to in a special way.
Know this: you are worthy of friendship
I remember the first time I thought about being friends with a pastor’s wife. I thought to myself, “Um. Not worthy.” You see, I was a baby Christian still breaking free from my sin and shame, but this Louise saw something different in me. She saw who God was making me into, and she spoke precious words over me that I still treasure.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. ─Proverbs 31:25 NIV
I haven’t always felt strong in life, but I postured as though I was. That was my former defense mechanism. She prophesied words over me that now feel true (or at least a whole lot truer than they did about a decade ago).
I also had felt a lot of shame, but that’s not what she spoke over me. She spoke the word dignity over me and my life. And, amazingly, that is the spacious place God has brought me to. He used my precious friend to give those words to me as a gift.
It’s a good place to pause and remind us all to speak words of encouragement over one another. Let’s challenge ourselves to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and be the words of love and encouragement our friends need to hear. Those words have the power to transform a person’s life.
I have done ministry with this woman. I have shared deeply and laughed SO HARD, because she is hilarious. Her hands dunked me in the baptismal and joyously celebrated new life in me as a child of God.
She too is a treasure. She’s on assignment by God and she and her family are following hard after Him, thus the reason she is now a resident of Colorado (effective last weekend). The one consolation I have in this is I now have the perfect excuse to visit one of my favorite places to see some of my favorite people!
Find friends who follow God & bless our faith
Having friendships that follow hard after the things of God for their lives is truly a great blessing. Their faith grows ours. I have realized the friendships I have treasured most are ones in which they commit to learn and grow more each day about who they are and what their contribution to the world will be. I so appreciate friends on the path to always learning and growing.
Maybe it’s because I don’t ever want to stop learning and growing myself. The woman I am at 50+ years is a much different version of the woman I was in my 20s, 30s and even 40s.
I’m still learning more and more about who I am, and much of that comes through fabulous friends who see and say things to help us realize our giftedness and calling.
And who we feel safe to share with when we fall flat, because we know they’ll dust us off and help us stand again.
When ones’ life has shifted so dramatically, so too has her friendships.
There are a few friendships I miss (I imagine that’s probably true for you too). Not every relationship is for a lifetime, but we can hope some are. I feel like we need to consult with God about that.
What friendships is God calling you to in this season?
God redeems and restores friendships
I’ve seen Him restore a friendship I thought was permanently severed. I remember being afraid to bump into this person at the store, because we’d had quite a traumatic end. But we serve a resurrection God, and He brought that person back into my life. He knew it was safe to do so – for her and for me. I felt peace about it and time demonstrated that feeling to be true. We were different women and we both realized where we’d went wrong. God had grown us, and then He resurrected what I would have once told you was permanently dead.
That person had played a pivotal role in my attending church. I wouldn’t have went had she not invited me. (That whole not worthy thing.) We had shared familial history and we understood one another’s story. We were brought together during tragic life circumstances that God used to grow us closer to Him and each other.
Be on guard of the enemy’s plans to unravel relationships
I’m sure the enemy didn’t want us helping each other learn how to stand, so he tore us apart. I really didn’t understand spiritual matters all that much back then. I was just learning about the things of God. I didn’t know how much I also needed to be on guard for the plans of the enemy. He loves to tear relationships apart, especially when they are trying to help one another seek after the things of God.
Maybe you need to read this piece for that nugget of truth. The enemy has plans to unravel godly friendships, but God tells us to be relationally on guard for that. God doesn’t want our friendships stolen from us; he wants those relationships to be part of the abundant life He died to give us.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.─John 10:10 NIV
There are a few friendships I grieve the loss over.
Grieve & pray about lost friendships
Sometimes, God has to rip you (or them) out of one environment for reasons seen and unseen. I miss my friend I called sister for nearly two decades. She knew things about me I didn’t tell ANYONE. She saw a lot of my sin. Don’t get me wrong, I still sin … but she saw the big stuff.
I don’t want to celebrate my former sin; it led to some pretty painful destinations. But I do celebrate her, and I hope one day God will bring us back together. We didn’t fight; we faded.
Celebrate your sister w/o celebrating your past sin
I think because she knew me and all of my sin, God had to separate us so He could work on separating me from my former sin. It’s my running theory. I’m not sure what He’s been doing in her life, but I’m sure He’s up to something amazing there too. I pray He is and I hold out hope for our friendship.
She is brilliant and funny.
We used to spend the whole week of the 4th of July out on my boat with magazines splayed across the seats where all sorts of girl talk would ensue. She was my roommate at our national sales meetings, and I knew I could count on our bathroom vanity to be a hot mess with her things strewn all over.
She packed a separate suitcase just for her shoes. How can you not love a woman like that? If one of your favorite places is DSW, you know this friendship was a match made in heaven! Like Cinderella’s glass slipper, it just fit.
She could come over to my place no matter what it looked like, because real friends let their friends see their homes even when they’re a mess.
She knew my love of boots. When I stood up for her at her wedding, that was her gift to me — an amazing pair of grey suede boots that I still adore. Hey, you know you’re a good friend when you can pick out a pair of boots for the other one. It’s kind of like picking out another woman’s purse. You better know her taste!
This is a funny Thelma & Louise type story. It still makes me laugh. Boy, were we some crazy “kids”.
It was April and the thermostat read over 80 degrees. My Louise went to the city with me where we happened upon a cute boutique. I found the most amazing pair of sunglasses I had to have. It was the weather’s fault as I was feeling a bit more free- spirited, as so often happens when the temperature heats up prematurely after a winter thaw.
After my shiny new sunglass purchase, I proposed to my friend we test drive convertibles.
She said, “No way!” (Because she knew her Thelma friend wouldn’t just take the car for a test drive.) She didn’t want to get in trouble with my then-husband for playing a role in this adventure that would involve a major purchase.
Finally, I talked her into it. I saw an adorable silver 2-seater stick shift and I was in love. The car salesperson asked me if I knew how to drive stick shift, but it felt more like a statement than a question.
I wanted to say, “Child, please!” Instead I spoke with my driving skills. He may have had to hold on a little tight that day as I took the curves snug and sharp. (Still makes me laugh thinking about it.)
When I got back from my test drive, “Louise” saw that look on my face.
“I have to buy it. It matches my sunglasses perfectly.”
She shook her head and laughed, because she knew she’d be unable to talk me out of it.
We all need those friends with mutual history that can tell of our stupid stories, but love us too much to share them. This “Louise” holds many pages from my days of youth where you think you are invincible, until you realize you’re not.
I honestly think, in part, it was too hard for her to see my life unravel. And at the time, that’s exactly what was happening.
But I have learned sometimes God unravels a person’s life to weave it together in a far more beautiful fashion. He wants the tapestry to look like a masterpiece from all angles – forward and behind. I pray He does weave this sweet friend back into my life. I remember her saying something to the effect of she didn’t know what to talk about around me anymore.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.─Ephesians 2:10 NLT
This verse gives me hope, because God sets us where we are with whom we are for a reason. He planned our relationships long ago, and even as He creates us anew He is weaving together a beautiful masterpiece — our life.
Trust God is making a masterpiece of your life as He weaves beautiful friendships into it
If my Louise reads this (and I hope she does), I’d tell her to just be yourself. Real friends let you do that. I’d also say, “Yes, there are parts of me that are much different from whom I used to be. But there are parts of me that haven’t changed.”
I still love boots and you never know, maybe I’ll get another convertible one of these days. If I get the inclination, I know just who to call!
She’ll always be my Louise.
There are many friendships I celebrate and treasure, but for whatever reason, these are the ones I felt led to highlight. I trust someone needed to read these vignettes about friendship to help them find (or find again) their own.
I pray every person reading this is blessed with the Louise to your Thelma, those treasured friendships that help us feel seen and loved. I pray God highlights the area He wants you to focus on regarding your friendships.
Which of these stands out to you? What is God speaking to you through the headline?
- Great friendships take courage
- Find your friendships that feel like family
- Know this: you are worthy of friendship
- Find friends who follow God & bless our faith
- God redeems and restores friendships
- Be on guard of the enemy’s plans to unravel relationships
- Grieve & pray about lost friendships
- Celebrate your sister w/o celebrating your past sin
- Trust God is making a masterpiece of your life as He weaves beautiful friendships into it
Join the conversation here or on our Facebook page.
I love you Tracy! I am proud of you and that you ALLOWED our Lord Jesus Christ to mold you into the BEAUTIFUL woman you have become and continue to become as He guides you and you follow His lead! Miles apart but always joined at the ❤ because we are sisters in Christ! God has truly blessed us with far greater lives than we deserve or could have imagined. I am blessed to have you in my life!