The FACETS of Faith team is excited to introduce you to Ever Moore. She is a dynamic, joyful woman with an enthusiasm for life that is contagious! We are so blessed to share her with you. Her story is a powerful one, like the tales you might read in an adventure book. You’ll see right away that she has a gift for story telling. Here’s a bit of hers.
Hi ladies! I want to start by sharing one of my favorite verses. When I consider God’s responses in my life, it feels relevant.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”─Romans 15:13
So how does God respond to me? This is a tough question but also one of my favorites. It allows me to share the goodness of God. I have seen God respond to me in so many ways. For example, I have experienced physical response through prayer where people or myself received healing on the spot.
I have also seen God respond with a big yes to my prayers and a very big no to a lot of stuff in my life. Have you ever prayed for something for awhile and God gives you the opposite of what you’re praying for? This happens to me all the time. Here is just one of the big no’s in my life that turned out to be the best no I ever received.
My mother and I are very close. I wanted to live by her for the rest of my life. My mama and I were like best friends. We enjoyed fetching water together. Even the 2-hour one-way walk to the farm, items perched on our heads and babies balanced on our backs, seemed like a short journey. Twelve years ago I remember praying for a husband who was going to take care of me and my boy Sam. Little did I know the answer to my prayer was going to be a handsome, blue-eyed, tall man all the way from Illinois who traveled to northwestern Zambia.
Without God this encounter would not have happened. With God I found my husband who came to the dusty, dry place no one wants to move to. Even the locals have this saying, “I feel like a mushroom. I was born here, grow here, and I will get rotten here.” Ha ha ha! It’s actually fun for the locals. When they say that, we usually laugh.
My husband Ryan was in the Peace Corps. He lived in my village for two years. The first time I saw him sitting on the tree stump I actually thought I saw Jesus! Ha ha ha! It was definitely love at first sight for both of us. We dated for over a year before he asked me to marry him. I actually forgot the part that he was not from my village and not really from Zambia or Africa at all. We never really talked about that, I think because I really didn’t know any other world apart from my world because it felt perfect.
The night of our wedding people celebrated with dancing and singing. When most people were celebrating, my mom cried all night long. I also grieved for the life I was leaving behind, but one thing I have always held onto through everything in life is that My God does not make mistakes. Everything He does works for good. That hope was the only thing that even made me step on those foreign moving stairs at the airport. I dropped my bags and stepped onto those crazy moving stairs until I heard, “Madam you left your bags!”
There is freedom that comes with knowing God is my pilot, and I just need to sit and enjoy the ride. There will be bumps on the flight, of course, but I have to trust my Captain. I never knew in a million years I would be raising my kids without my mother. It’s very tough some days, but my mother and I are even closer than before. We talk almost every day on the phone. I visit home nearly every year, and I am still working on her coming to visit me here. She keeps telling me she can’t, because she is so scared of flying. As much as I wanted to live by my mom, get married in Zambia, and stay where all was familiar, God had a whole different plan than the one I was praying for.
Today, my marriage to this awesome man who is the father of my 4 amazing children has blessed so many people in my village, including my first son whom I had before I met Ryan. My son had a cyst on his brain that would have killed him without medical treatment. God knew I had to marry someone from so far away so my son could get saved too, like the prayer was already answered before we even prayed it.
What I have come to realize is God will never stop fighting for what He has promised us. It started by our King dying on the cross so we can receive salvation.
So, if God was willing to die for you, what else do you think He wouldn’t do for you?
If you are waiting for God to respond to you, don’t lose hope. He is never late. He is always on time. Look back upon your life. Look at the highs and the lows, and you will see God has always been with you through it all. He will never leave nor forsake you. He is on your side.
Don’t forget what team we are playing on. We are on the offense team. You and I know we win in the end no matter what obstacles are in our way today. We have to choose joy and gratitude, because we know that the Lord our God has got us.
Now I would like you to repeat this after me, “No matter where I am, God is always with me. He will respond to my prayers according to His will not mine.”
I have so much more to share with you ladies, I hope soon. I didn’t even get to the good stuff yet.
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We do win on God’s team. I’m so grateful I got to grow and live beside you for two years. God doesn’t make mistakes, and you are such a gift to anyone who gets to know and love you. You’re as cool as moving stairs
This is beautiful bakwantu, indeed God is captain, l enjoyed reading this and l have learnt too much from this story. I love you and keep on blessing you
May God continue to bless you and your husband. You have really encouraged me.
You are such an amazing woman. I am glad to have known you, you are truly a blessing. More blessings on you and your beautiful family. I love you ❤❤