This month it is my privilege to introduce you to Zolei, a dear friend who leans into all that God has for her. She is bold, beautiful, and courageous. I have seen her do exactly what her bio states. She earnestly seeks to hear and follow God and her faith is ever-growing and evolving as she trains her ear to hear Him speak. ~ Tracy
Who do you Love?
As I’ve gotten older this question comes up more often. It has evolved before my eyes over the years as I’ve stepped into the role of wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and even a stranger.
It means a lot more to me now. Love.
So, who do I love? First off, I want to start by explaining what it means, that word, Love. Whatever title above you give yourself, to me, to love authentically and deeply is to GIVE completely with everything you are the way Jesus does.
Authentic love means to give, but never asking or expecting anything in return. When you love something, say like chocolate, or wine, or a sunset, you trust that the feeling you get is as good as it gets, right? You don’t ask for more. You accept each one for the goodness it offers.
When you hold a newborn baby, you don’t ask that baby for something in return. You trust the feeling you get from nurturing and loving is enough.
Sometimes our understanding about love tends to take a turn if we allow the enemy to intervene. We get caught up and distracted and love’s simplicity is shattered. We get angry with one another or feel that particular person owes us something like “good behavior.”
We must not forget that all of humanity falls short of the glory of God. So, what can possibly bring glory to God in this imperfect world? LOVE, loving thy neighbor like our brothers and sisters.
We should extend love and kindness as best as we can, always giving in every moment. Learning to love unconditionally. Key word, unconditional, without expectation or else it’s not love at all.
We can end up disappointed, don’t you think?
Dependency breeds anger, so just like God does not expect the impossible from us, like being perfect, we must not expect our fellow sinner to fulfill our every emotional need or desire.
A child so easily can show you with every cell of his being how easy it can be to love. A child loves his mama and daddy and wants to share every waking moment with them when allowed to do so. A child easily immerses himself into what they love, and their love is always changing, evolving, and deepening or waning.
If we can experiment with love in the same way, no matter how small or silly, love something and immerse yourself in it and watch where it leads you. Not only will you spark something in yourself and others, but you will be sharing the light and purpose of Christ in all you love.
I love the abilities we each carry, the love I can express as a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend and a stranger. Share your ability to love with the world and give love wholeheartedly.
I love God for showing me love and grace in all my moments and for gifting me to do the same. How about you?
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I’m so proud of you sis. Great piece. Love you. ❤