Hello, friend. I’m thankful you’ve come back to visit during this special month. If you’re following along, you know we’re focusing on “The Blessing.” If you haven’t seen the team post from last week, take a look. We had the honor of walking along Memory Lane. It’s so sweet, really.
Look for different posting times and authors this month. You never know what you’re gonna get in January.
When I (Jennifer) sat down to write my final FACETS post, I was a mess. I puzzled…and paused…and puddled. Over and over. It’s been days. To be honest, I had no idea what to say in my last words strung together in this space. Please have grace for the “behemoth” that follows. I’m leaning into the blessing and the battle.
Finishing Well
The focus of this site looms bigger now: conversations about life, faith, and friendship. When I began, my heart was revealed in Bible study-like posts. Over time, I learned to share a little more of my soul. A tiny crack became an open door. My heart for relationship to God, self, and safe others became the lens through which I wanted to write.
Buckle up, friend, because a shift is happening—from The Road I’ve Walked when you first met me to the longer road I hope to walk when I’m no longer one of the FACETS. In one sense, I’m thankful to know when the finish is, as sad as that is. I see the end of the run, and I want to finish well.
Words are Powerful
When I joined the team that dreamed up FACETS, I believed words were powerful, and I hoped to share my heart. The topics weren’t the “fluffy” kind most of the time, and that was intentional. The niche was women who craved something more thought-provoking—deeper, truer, real-er than the usual. It could’ve been FACETS of Faith Lite… Nah!
I’ve mulled these words over for quite a while. I hope you find them useful in your world and in your journey.
Wars and Rumors…
You and I live in a time like no other. We live more completely and immediately connected but more distant than ever. This played out in 2020, didn’t it? The world shifted to a 2-D life. Fear and social distancing threatened our relationships and maybe our peace with God and others. I felt that.
Then the election dropped a seemingly catastrophic wedge between people who used to hug and high-five. I felt that pain, too.
“Once-upon-a-time-friends” started lining up to oppose each other. I don’t think it was obvious to all of us at first. Nevertheless, there was the right way to do life…and everyone else’s way. Masks, six feet, and gathering. Race, protests, and riots. To vax or not to vax. Government, the election, and every political thing. And then it seemed everything was a political thing.
This is war?
And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed… Mark 13:7a ESV
Not if. When. This time and this place? I’m not sure. Still, there are obvious culture wars.
What’s Going on Here?
I’m sad, friend. People I know and love stifle words for fear of rejection, condemnation, and shame. I do it, too. The social media feeding frenzy whips up quick. I’ve seen friends—people I know love each other!—shred one another with posts, comments, and words before my very eyes. There’s a terrible, political information war going on here, and too many are casualties of “friendly fire.”
Is a habit, preference, priority, or belief system so valuable? More valuable than the person right there in two dimensions or three? I had to ask myself these questions first. I blamed 2020 for a long list of relationship fractures; and while stress added a thick layer over everything, I’m responsible for my portion of any relational tension. Ouch!
When the FACETS chose relationship—the “high way” over “my way or the highway”—it was a thing. Over and over. We chose relationship. We chose peace. We chose to think the best of each other. We chose to honor one another. This isn’t just the stuff of blog collaboration. It’s for every relationship!
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10 ESV
I’m learning how to do that every day, and there’s plenty of room for growth.
The Battle
Closing this chapter called “FACETS” feels right, complete, and awkward at the same time. When the decision was made, we never thought there would be the swirling activity in culture we see now. The “cultural war” seems to rage, but I submit to you a much larger battle looms—a battle was waged in Genesis 3 has raged ever since.
The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. Genesis 3:1a ESV
This battle between God and the enemy of our souls has an end, and we can read about it (Genesis 3:15; Revelation 21:1-ff.).
Our Battles
In many ways, every day is a battle, isn’t it? We might label our own battles according to topics or our enemies:
- Struggles with God and others
- Finances and having enough
- Personal image as we are accepted or rejected
- The political thing is hard to overlook
- The battle for freedom
- Every war on—everything
And all these things can divide us. Make no mistake, the Christian is called to be wise, discerning, and generous. The follower of Jesus defends the weak and cares for the poor. Like the “men of Issachar” and other wise men, we can know the signs of the times when we live with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other (1 Chronicles 12:32). We don’t know the dates or times established for His appearing, but we can look through a biblical lens.
Like the Bereans, we must study and test all things against the Scriptures.
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11 ESV
The Scriptures, the Sword of the Spirit, is one of our weapons for battle! (See Ephesians 6:10-18.)
The Wrong Battles
We pick our battles for all the emotional reasons I mentioned: habits, preferences, priorities, deeply held beliefs, and religious values.
Maybe we pick some of them because they are in line with righteous indignation described in the Scriptures. Not every battle is wrong, but some definitely cannot reflect the heart, mind, or hand of God. I’ve picked some that reflected the darkened heart and mind of Jen well enough.
Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12 NLT
There is a “good fight.” That fight is for “true faith”—and holding on to the gift of God, which is eternal life, and confessing that gospel to those who do not know Him or the true faith. We never know who that is, do we?
We have one singular message.
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Err and Repair
We were made for “life, faith, and friendship.” Something in us knows there is something more than this world; that’s eternal life. We were made to trust in something (Someone!) bigger and more powerful than ourselves, to search for hope in this hard world; that’s faith. And we were made to love and be loved; that’s friendship. When any of these things is out of whack, we know and feel it deeply.
A “seemingly catastrophic wedge.” These are the words that come back to me. I may not be responsible for the wedge appearing between me and God or me and others, but I’m responsible for what I do with it. Do you know how many times I’ve caught myself working with the wedge divisively in relationships hours, days, months, or years late? If you only knew how selfish I can be.
But there is hope!
I need two things: repentance and reconciliation.
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, Acts 17:30 NLT
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 NIV
The peacemakers are blessed, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9 HCSB
There is forbearance for the weakness and ignorance in relationship to God and others, but the call is to repent and reconcile. The real calling on a Christian’s life is to be a peacemaker. And there’s no time like the present!
We err in relationship because we are human. We repair the relationship because, as followers of Jesus, we must! We desperately need spiritual vision, a gift from the Spirit, in order to see our errs and navigate the repairs.
The Blessing
By now you’re wondering why I chose these words. It’s out of love. Can you believe that? I wish to bless you with words that reflect one message: Christ crucified. I need the reminder if you don’t.
Friend, this—
And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 HCSB
The conversation about life, faith, and friendship in this space may not go on, but it simply must continue in our lives, in the culture, and in our individual spheres of influence. Who are you caring for, concerned about, and encouraging? Who are you blessing? I am choosing to bless YOU!
I offer these words because I hope you will choose love and good deeds, and also encourage others in the same. I submit them because I’ve had a talk with my own heart as they were written. Those words up there are challenging for me, too.
Let’s be a blessing!
Now be blessed—
- To repent
- To reconcile
- To be redeemed
- To be used by God as He redeems this broken world
Do it while there is time.
I have more words for you, but I will be putting those prayerful words in a separate space here. I love you! Be blessed to be a blessing, friend!
If these words are worthy of sharing, I thank you for that. If you read every word, you are a blessing to me!
Thanks so much for sharing your heart with biblical truth!
God have mercy on us as we continue to worship Him and bless others! The battle is real.