Welcome to FACETS and spring (for real)! I (Tracy) can’t wait to introduce you to Mackenzie Carter as she shares her writing and communication gift with us. Truth be told, as I read her piece ahead of time, it moved me. A lot! I pray God touches your heart through it at least as much as He moved mine. Rhema. A good word, fresh and in season for all God’s girls.
I wish I could say that I am an expert on this subject, that I have steadily walked this out with beautiful grace and dignity, but that would not be true.
I stumble and fall – quite literally
all. the. time.
I have allowed myself to be tossed about with emotions and questions throughout the last twenty-two years of following Christ. I have struggled with shame. I often feel I am not deep enough, a bit quirky, and maybe a little too loud and excited for most. Questions often fill my mind – Am I ok? Do I belong? Who am I?
What would I want preached to myself during all those times that I question or stumble?
Fellow women of God, maybe you need to hear this too.
Quit trying to earn everyone’s love.
Jesus loves you. The King of the Universe. Live your life falling more and more in love with Him.
Though sometimes it may feel this way, God is not mad at you. He doesn’t pace back and forth in heaven frustrated as He thinks about you. He is not the voice of the critic in your head. It is quite the contrary. When God thinks about you and I, a smile warms His face. A love that can never be squandered fills His heart for you. His thoughts about you are kind. His plans for you are good.
When Jesus died on the cross – you were on His mind. His blood covers you. He breaks strongholds. Fear and shame flee at the sound of His Name. You have been made into a new creation. There has never been a day that He has left you alone. He delights in YOU and I. He is proud of you. He will be faithful through all your years. In the midst of insecurity and doubt, you are held, known, seen, and loved.
Anchor yourself in the Word of God. It is your steady in a world of turbulence.
Being a woman of God inherently means knowing Whose you belong to and Who defines you. Honestly, it is way too easy to look around, desperately trying to find affirmation from likes and hearts on social media, peers, what group we belong to, or our titles. You are a woman of God – OF GOD – not of the world, not of Insta or Facebook. Our worth – the meaning of our lives can only come from one place if we are to be truly satisfied. That place is Jesus. The faithful One. The One who invites us to follow Him and find our identity in Him.
My friend, we were meant to live an abundant life of abiding in Jesus. That is where true joy and satisfaction are found. We are daughters of the King. We are women of the Word – the unchanging, never wavering Word of God. Culture shifts, the trends change, but the Word of God remains the same. It is this – the Word of God that defines who we are as a women of God.
Take hold of the Word – read it, believe it, and live it out.
Follow the ancient paths.
Remember the ones who have gone before who lived solely for Jesus – the Elizabeth Elliot’s, the Mother Theresa’s, and the Amy Carmichael’s. Remember the mentors who simply showed you Jesus. This world is trying so hard to suck you into the vortex of comparison and self-focus. Don’t you give in. You were meant to live a counter-cultural life.
Therefore, I urge you, sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Romans 12:1-2
Live a life worthy of the One who called you. Live every moment as a continual act of worship unto God. Be the one to go against the grain. Don’t worry so much about being “on trend”. Trends are here today and gone tomorrow. Become the woman you would want to sit across the table from in twenty years. Faithful, shining with beauty from within, holy, full of grace and mercy, kindness on your lips, wise from the Word of God being hidden in your heart, and closer to Jesus than ever.
Run together with other women.
You are not alone as you walk this road. I know this can be so hard sometimes. I know you have been hurt and betrayed. I know it feels like sometimes going it alone would be easier.
My friend, you were never meant to be an island. It sure can feel like it though, can’t it? All of us trying so hard to accomplish it all, achieve it all, look and feel the best doing all the things.
We were meant to run together. We were meant to encourage each other in the hardships, to be honest and open with one another, and to cheer wildly as we see our fellow sisters move forward. Y’all, this life is not easy, so lend a hand. We are not in competition! We were made to celebrate one another.
“If we don’t open up, we will miss out on other women’s wisdom and perspective. We might even walk around with a bunch of burdens we shouldn’t be trying to carry alone.” ~ Sophie Hudson, Giddy Up, Eunice
Always trying to get ahead may be stifling your progress.
Bloom where you are planted.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25
I know it is easy to want to look ahead and see what is coming. Maybe it seems impossible to know how it is all going to work out. Perhaps you are wondering if you missed it? Maybe you thought you would be somewhere completely different by now.
Be still.
Don’t rush over the present – the very gift Jesus gave you today.
You have everything you need for today.
The truth is, God holds what is yours. You are on your way, sister! God has an appointed time for everything. Stay in it, friend.
Run the race that is all your own.
Follow Jesus. Obey His lead. Allow His sanctification process to take place. His timing is perfect and His way is right. He is faithfully leading you.
God is using everything for your good.
There is miraculous joy to be found in the journey, in the process – right here and now. Look around and really see all that surrounds you. Live to the full right now.
Trust Him with it.
Woman of God, you have been called to live out the purpose set before you.
Build your house
“A wise woman builds her house; a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands!” Proverbs 14:1
Every time I come across this verse, it stops me in my tracks. I start pondering how am I building up my house-with words and attitude. How I am spending my time? What I am pouring into my children? How I am praying for my family? How am I loving my husband? Am I making it count?
In Finding Your Purpose as a Mom by Donna Otto, she says that our homes are holy ground. Just like Moses took off his shoes at the burning bush, we are to take off our shoes as we come into our homes because of the great work God is doing in our midst.
I want to be a part of it. I don’t want to miss it.
If you are married, rock your marriage. You are the only one who can be your husband’s wife. Love him, encourage him, allow God to show you the joy and beauty of submission, be his teammate, and have fun!
If you have children, you are the only one who can be their momma. Take the time and trouble to shepherd them, train them up, listen well, spend time with them, enjoy them at every stage. You are raising the next generation of warriors for Christ. Teach them about Jesus. This is the most important calling of your life.
Woman of God
You are here on purpose for such a time as this. You have been called to pick up your cross daily and follow Him. We are called to seek first the Kingdom of God. Though this life is not about us, we get to take part in an incredible story – a beautiful tapestry of God’s faithfulness. This life is for God’s glory.
Live for God. Obey Him. Trust Him. Love ferociously. Bring the Kingdom of God in your sphere of influence.
… Wasn’t that great? So many nuggets to ponder!
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Want to know more about Swordgirl Conference? Click Mackenzie’s bio link above to be directed to the Swordgirl conference web site.
MacKenzie is fantastic and real too!!!